
High Grade Premium Healing & Energized Attract Love & Compassion Pyramid

Original price was: ₹1,111.Current price is: ₹850.

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The High Grade Premium Healing Pyramid, crafted with Russian Rose Quartz and Rhodonite Crystal, is designed to attract love, compassion, and emotional harmony. This energized pyramid balances the Heart Chakra, helping to resolve relationship challenges, strengthen connections, and promote emotional stability. Its healing properties improve circulatory health, encourage inner peace, and foster harmony in life.

Additionally, the pyramid supports love manifestation, aiding in finding a compatible life partner while enhancing marital and familial bonds. Its energy boosts positivity and aligns well when placed in the South direction, promoting happiness and balance in your surroundings. A perfect tool for emotional and spiritual well-being!

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Benefits of Rose Quartz Pyramid

✅ Attract Love & Compassion
✅ Balance Heart Chakra
✅ Deal with Relationship Issues
✅ Build Strong Connection
✅ Help in Emotional Stability
✅ Help to Improve Circulatory System
✅ Instance Peace & Harmony

Additional Benefits (in Assamese):

✅❤️ Love Manifestation কৰিবলৈ লগত মনে বিচৰা জীৱন সঙ্গী পোৱাৰ সহায় কৰে।
✅❤️💔 সম্পর্কৰ বিষয়ে আৰু সম্প্ৰীতি বৃদ্ধি কৰে, ইঃ মাৰ্জ প্ৰেমিক উল্যাহিত কৰে।
✅💑 বৈবাহিক জীৱন সুখী কৰে আৰু সম্পর্ক মজবুত আৰু।
✅❤️💕 পৰিয়াল আৰু বন্ধুৰ লগত সমস্যা সমাধানত সহায় কৰে।
✅💖 Heart Chakra Balance কৰি ৰাখে।
✅💖💌 মাধ্য অতন্দ্ৰ শক্তি বঢ়ায়।
✅💟 দক্ষিণ দিশত (South) বাচিলে সুখী সম্প্ৰীতি বৃদ্ধি হয়।


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